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III Versione Inglese 2021 del libro “Practical Course in Project Management” | GRATIS per le prime 48 ore

È stata appena pubblicata la versione aggiornata al 2021 del libro “Practical Course in Project Management: Over 40 Exercises & 1 Real Project developed with all its Templates, to learn and act like a great Project Manager” (English Edition) 

Practical Course in Project Management: Over 40 Exercises & 1 Real Project developed with all its Templates, to learn and act like a great Project Manager (English Edition).


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La IIIª Versione 2021 in lingua Inglese è stata pubblicata in collaborazione con Sara Monni.

Solo per questo weekend il prezzo sarà 0€ (0$) invece di 29,90$ che è il prezzo di lancio. Sì, sarà gratuito per 2 ragioni:

  1. Seppur sia in inglese (credo che tu conosca sufficientemente la lingua per la comprensione) contiene aggiornamenti e correzioni. Inoltre, puoi approfittare nel caso in cui non avessi avuto modo di acquistare la versione italiana del 2015.
  2. Grazie al download gratuito direttamente su Amazon, mi aiuterai nella visibilità migliorando il mio ranking proprio su Amazon.

Scarica gratis l’Ebook in un click e buona lettura. Non dimenticare di lasciare una recensione in Inglese, è sempre utile!

Scarica Gratis con un Click su Amazon!

Sinossi del libro in lingua Inglese:

Usually, those who enter the world of Project Management gets immediately passionate about the subject and starts to make assessments on how to carry out the profession of Project Manager, which skills are needed, what studies could help and in which sectors a Project Management methodology is used, which potential could have the P.M. profession and which are the difficulties.

This introduction to Project Management intends to increase students’ personal skills and to enhance their employability in the world of work. The project management methodology provides skills in planning, managing risks, resources, time and costs, as well as transversal skills useful to identify priorities, distinguish a project or process into phases, activate a process of planning and control of activities in order to achieve the objectives on time and, last but not least, it helps to develop the ability to work in a team. Furthermore, Project Management can develop or expand better problem solving and business skills and also a strong managerial mindset.

This Project Management course enables students, or participants in general, to organize their work with a view to achieving an objective, whatever the type and complexity, in a way that ensures the achievement of the expected benefits.

The book is divided into 3 modules:

1. The first module is a good introduction to Project Management dealing with the fields of application, the relative professional figures and the areas of knowledge touched by Project Management.
2. The second module is  about  the project, touching on the organization, causes of failure and risks associated with a project and their management.
3. The third and last module is an illustration of what comprises an entire project management and thus its life cycle until closure.
The explication of the topics in this book takes place directly and with practical examples in order to allow the reader to better fix the contents. I always say:
“It’s the book I wanted to read before starting in project management”.

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